Can Goats Eat Cucumbers? (Revealed!)

Yes, goats can eat cucumbers and they enjoy them. It’s best to cut up a cucumber rather than feeding them one whole as they could choke. Cucumbers provide goats with several essential nutrients they need.


The skin of cucumbers is particularly nutritious, packing most of the fiber goats need.

Cucumbers are also packed with water and are considered very hydrating for goats and other livestock.

The water content and fiber in cucumbers also makes them especially good for digestion.

This article will outline the nutritional benefits of cucumbers for goats, what other cucumbers goats can eat, and how to prepare cucumbers for goats.

Can Goats Eat Cucumbers?

Can goats eat cucumber leaves?

Yes, owners report it’s not a problem to feed goats cucumbers with the leaves still on the stem.

Cucumbers grow on the vine or in a bush and can sometimes be snipped at the stem and have some leaves or flowers attached to them.

Both the leaves and flowers are safe for goats and humans to eat.


Can baby goats eat cucumbers?

Baby goats can start to eat cucumbers about ten days after they are born.

At first, they should be consuming mostly milk.

You can start giving them solid foods after the first week of a baby goat’s life.

About ten days in, baby goats can start eating feed – mostly hay or other vegetation with about 20 percent protein mixed in.

You can chop up cucumbers into their feed, but make sure not to feed them whole cucumbers as they are unlikely to be able to chew them and could choke.

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Can Nigerian dwarf goats eat cucumbers?

Yes, much like regular goats, Nigerian dwarf goats can eat cucumbers and they provide good nutritional value to them.

Because Nigerian dwarf goats were originally bred for their milk, cucumbers are especially good for them because they contribute to more lactation.

Cucumbers’ high water content helps increase lactation and improves the quality of their lactation.

Nigerian dwarf goats like to eat a mix of vegetables and hay and it’s recommended you also mix cucumbers into their feed.

Make sure the cucumbers are chopped into smaller pieces so they don’t choke.


How should you prepare cucumbers when giving them to goats?

Make sure to chop up cucumbers into smaller pieces.

Goats will eat a whole cucumber, but garden cucumbers are especially large and feeding them whole to goats could cause them to choke.

It’s recommended you chop cucumbers up into smaller pieces and mix it into goats’ hay or other feed.

Some owners like to freeze cucumbers and chop them up to feed goats as a refreshing treat.

The bottom line is it’s best to chop up cucumbers into smaller pieces rather than feeding them to goats whole.


What are the nutritional benefits of cucumbers to goats?



Cucumbers have excellent nutritional value, including vitamins A, C, and K.

The potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants in cucumbers help prevent blood clotting and strengthen bones.

They also help with bone, muscle, and teeth development.

These vitamins also help strengthen goats’ immune systems, helping them fight off diseases and infection.

Nutrients in cucumbers are also found to enhance feed uptake in goats, meaning they help goats absorb more nutrients to sustain them and help them grow.

Water content

The high water and fiber content in cucumbers is also extremely beneficial to goats.

The high water content aids in goats’ digestion, in particular in the functioning of goats’ rumen, which is the first chamber of their stomach where bacteria breaks down food.


Oxidative stress is a serious problem in livestock.

It’s an imbalance in free radicals and antioxidants in the body and can affect goats’ health and longevity.

Cucumbers can serve as a protective measure against oxidation.

Because they are rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and magnesium, which are anti-inflammatory, cucumbers are known for managing oxidative stress.

The vitamins and minerals found in cucumbers fight free radicals and block oxidation.

Eating them helps reduce bloating and oxidation, which helps reduce goats’ risk of infections or other health conditions.



Cucumbers can also improve goats’ lactation and help them produce high-quality milk.

Cucumbers help ensure goats have sufficient nutrients and result in higher milk yields.

In areas with limited rainfall, cucumbers are a great way to ensure goats are getting the necessary hydration and vitamins they need to maintain their milk production even if the farm or region is short on water.


Are cucumbers dangerous to give to goats?

No, cucumbers are 96% water, which makes them especially nutritious and good for goats’ digestion.

The high water content paired with vitamins and fiber makes them especially valuable vegetables to feed your goats.


Can goats eat cooked cucumbers?

Yes, cooking any vegetable makes it easier for goats to digest.

Goats will have no problem eating a cooked cucumber, but make sure you let it cool before giving it to them.

Goats will grab any food quickly and if it’s hot off the pan it could burn their mouths.


Can goats eat English cucumbers?

Yes, much like regular cucumbers, English cucumbers are great for goats.

They are more narrow and therefore easier for goats to chew.

Goats will eat English cucumbers whole, but it’s recommended you chop them up.


Can goats eat Persian cucumbers?

Similar to English cucumbers, Persian cucumbers are a great option for goats as well because they are small and easy to chew.

Persian cucumbers are often even smaller than English cucumbers and could be given to goats whole because of their narrow size and short length.


Can goats eat pickling cucumbers?

Yes, but pickling cucumbers are the largest and thickest of all the cucumber variations and should be chopped up for goats.

Since goats will eat anything, feeding them a whole pickling cucumber could cause them to choke.

Make sure you cut it into smaller sizes.



This article explored whether goats can eat cucumbers and the nutritional value found in cucumbers.

Cucumbers are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals that improve goats’ digestion, their lactation, and fend off oxidative stress.

Considering goats’ love for grabbing food, hopefully, this information was helpful as you work to develop a nutritious diet for your goats.


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