Hi I’m John, the founder of Goat Owner.
I am a passionate goat enthusiast with years of experience and I started the website as a way to share my knowledge and love of goats.
On the site, you’ll find a wealth of information on all aspects of goat ownership, from breeding and feeding to health and behavior.
Whether you’re a seasoned goat farmer or just considering getting your first goat we have something for you.
Thanks for visiting and happy goat-keeping!
Goat Breeds
Angora goats generally live around 10 years. It depends on a lot of factors, including… As goats go, Angora goats are not considered the hardiest breed. They are more susceptible… Goats are almost as varied in appearance and pedigree as dogs are today. They are…How Long Do Angora Goats Live? (Find Out!)
Are Angora Goats Hardy? (Real Human Answer!)
8 Breeds Of Long Eared Goats (With Photos And Videos!)
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Goat Sounds
Goats make a sound called a “bleat”, similar to the sound a sheep will make…. Goats screaming is a normal occurrence and they can scream for many different reasons. In… Goats do purr when they are feeling happy and contented. That said, they don’t always…What Sound Does A Goat Make? (Helpful Content With Photos!)
Why Do Goats Scream? (Answered!)
Do Goats Purr? (Helpful Human Answer!)
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Goat Diet
The answer to this question is yes, goats are able to eat kale. It should… Yes, goats can safely eat poison oak in moderate amounts. Be sure to be exactly… The answer to this question is yes, goats are able to eat blackberries. It is…Can Goats Eat Kale? (Answered!)
Can Goats Eat Poison Oak? (Find Out!)
Can Goats Eat Blackberries? (Answered!)
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Goat Products
For the most part, if you need to milk them, you can simply carry out… There are two kinds of goat cheese: hard and soft. Hard goat cheese is perfectly… General maintenance involves regularly wiping it with a damp cloth. This will keep it odor…How To Milk A Goat With Mastitis (Explained!)
Can Pregnant Women Eat Goat Cheese? (Helpful Content)
How To Clean Goat Leather (Find Out!)
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Goat Farming
Unfortunately, there are multiple kinds of ear tag. Registered goats must have an ear tag… It’s going to be tough, but you can tie the goat up to the fence… Milking goats is more of a skill than many people realize. Though it’s something we’ve…How To Read A Goat Ear Tag (Is It Easy?)
How To Milk A Goat Without A Stand (Revealed!)
How To Milk A Goat By Machine (10 Easy Steps!)
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Yes, goats and chickens can live together in the right space. They can absolutely coexist… You might be surprised to learn that there’s more than one way to keep your… I was out on the trail the other day when I stopped on a grassy…Can Goats And Chickens Live Together? (Find Out!)
How To Keep Goat Water From Freezing Without Electricity (Explained!)
Can Eagles Carry Goats? (Find Out!)
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Goat Health
The answer to this question is yes, CBD oil is completely safe for goats. When… The answer to this question is yes, goats do have hooves. Goats have what is… Cow’s milk is one of the most popular forms of dairy currently sold today. Another…Is CBD Oil Safe For Goats? (Find Out!)
Do Goats Have Hooves? (Find Out!)
Do Goats Have Udders? (Revealed!)
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Goat Information
I’ve always taken great pride in how well I maintain and care for my goats…. General maintenance involves regularly wiping it with a damp cloth. This will keep it odor… Yes, goat horns are hollow once the goat reaches around 6 months of age. Important…How Much Does It Cost To Trim Goat Hooves? (Find Out!)
How To Clean Goat Leather (Find Out!)
Are Goat Horns Hollow? (Revealed!)
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Goat Names
Your goat’s name is something you’re going to find yourself saying a great deal over… If there’s one particular landscape with which we associate goats here in the U.S., it’s… Naming your goat can be one of the most sensitive parts of the whole process…Hilarious Goat Names (25 Examples!)
Mountain Goat Names (21 Examples!)
Flower Names For Goats (50 Examples!)
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Goat Behavior
One of the most fascinating aspects of our own past is equally frustrating in our… To answer this question…yes, goats and dogs get along as long as they’re both naturally… The answer to this question is no, goats do not like to swim. While they…When Were Goats Domesticated? (Answered!)
Do Goats And Dogs Get Along? (Find Out!)
Do Goats Like To Swim? (Helpful Content With Photos!)