Can Goats Eat Oranges? (Helpful Human Answer!)

The answer to this question is yes. Oranges are very healthy and nutritious treats for Goats. Your Goats will most likely love the tasty treat, however, it should be eaten in moderation, because eating too much citrus can upset their stomach.


Oranges are wonderfully juicy and incredibly tasty fruits.

They’re a great snack, and unlike certain fruits, they’re enjoyable to eat all year round.

This article is going to discover whether or not Goats can eat the entire Orange or just certain parts.

We are also going to delve into the nutritious benefits that Oranges have for Goats, and if baby Goats can eat them or not.

So, without further ado, let us get right into it!

Can Goats Eat Oranges?


Are Oranges healthy for Goats?

Can Goats Eat Oranges?

Like many other fruits, Oranges include many different nutrients that are very beneficial to your Goat and their digestive system.

So, not only should you feed Oranges to your Goat because they will more than likely love eating it.

But, you should also feed them to your Goat because they are incredibly healthy and it allows them to get their essential nutrients in a tasty way.

Oranges include essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Potassium and a lot more.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a very vital part of a Goat’s diet as it helps the development of their skin and eyesight.

Not only that, it also helps them when it comes to fighting infections and helps to maintain their reproductive health.

A Vitamin A deficiency can be quite harmful for Goats as it often leads to tearing of the eyes and sometimes diarrhoea.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also a very important addition to a Goats diet.

This is because it is an ascorbic acid, and it is important for Goats because of the fact that it acts as an antioxidant.

It helps to manage high blood pressure and helps to prevent iron deficiency.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E, is a very important part of a Goats diet.

This Vitamin in particular acts as an essential antioxidant.

This Vitamin is very important to be included in a younger Goats diet, and they should have as much as possible because a deficiency in this vitamin can lead to things such as muscle diseases.

It is also very important for adult Goats too, because for them, if they don’t consume enough Vitamin E, then it can lead to reproductive failure and a weakened immune system.



Just like for us humans, Calcium is a very important part of your Goats diet.

This helps to build and maintain strong and healthy bones.

Not only is it important for helping their bone health, the heart, muscles and nerves also need Calcium to be able to function properly.



Potassium is a vital part of a Goats diet.

This helps to maintain their metabolism and their fluid balances.


Related – Can Goats Eat Apples?

Can baby Goats eat oranges?

Can Goats Eat Oranges?

No. A baby Goat cannot eat Oranges.

This is simply because of the fact that for the first thirty days, at least, of their lives, the only thing that they should be eating is their mother’s milk.

After they are around thirty days old, they will begin to wean off of their mother’s milk, that is around the time that you can begin introducing other foods into their diet.

You should start off with simple foods such as hay and grass.

During this time, you can also begin steadily introducing treats such as Oranges into their diet, but you need to make sure that they are given it very rarely, and they shouldn’t eat it as often as adult Goats do.


Can goats eat orange peels?

Goats are animals that have very good digestive systems that allow them to easily digest and break down foods such as Orange peels.

So, to answer this question. Yes, Goats can eat Orange peels.

In fact, this part of the Orange is very healthy for them, it contains more Vitamin C than the actual Orange does.

So, next time you have an Orange do not throw away the peels, instead feed them to your Goats.


Can Goats eat the leaves of an Orange tree?

Goats are animals that are not particularly picky with what they eat.

Goats are ‘browsers’ meaning that they prefer to eat things like trees, shrubs and flowers, rather then things like grass.

So, to answer this question, they absolutely can eat the leaves of an Orange tree, and they will more than likely absolutely love it!


Are orange seeds harmful to goats?

No, they are not.

Just like for us humans, they are perfectly edible.

So, this means that you can leave the seeds in the fruit for your Goat to eat.

But you can also take them out if you please, this can avoid your Goat choking on them, so if you do feed the seeds to them, be sure that they do not choke on them.


How should you prepare an Orange for your Goats?

Can Goats Eat Oranges?

Preparing an Orange to feed to your goat is very simple.

Oranges are already very small and bitesize.

This means that there is no cutting or slicing involved.

All you have to do is peel the orange skin off and separate the carpels.

Oranges are also a very soft fruit so there is no need to worry about them choking.

However, if you plan on feeding the Orange peels to your Goats, then this process is also pretty simple.

All you have to do is peel the skin away and wash it thoroughly, this is important as it ensures that you have gotten rid of all of the chemicals and pesticides that may still be on the Orange from the growing process.

Once you have done all of that the whole Orange is ready and safe for your Goat to eat!


What happens if you feed your goat too many oranges?

A Goats digestive system is very different to that of our own, and even from other animals.

This is because they are ruminant animals, meaning that instead of having just one compartment in their stomach, they have four and their daily nutrition comes from the process of fermentation.

Sugar is something that speeds up the process of fermentation, and Orange’s contain sugar, so eating too much of this can cause your Goats to bloat.

This can be very painful for them, which is why it is important that they don’t eat too many Oranges.

Now that we have gone into a little more detail about the digestive system of a Goat, we can come to the conclusion that like most other fruits and treats, Oranges should only be fed to your Goat as a rare treat.

This is to avoid uncomfortable bloating and this way by them not eating the treat so often, they may enjoy it a lot more.


Can Goats drink Orange Juice?

Can Goats Eat Oranges?

Typically, your Goat should be drinking fresh water.

However, they don’t always drink this and it is important for them to stay hydrated, especially during hot days in the summer.

What can you do to encourage them to drink more?

You can give them things like Orange juice to drink.

However, please note that while it is completely safe for them to drink, and they will probably really enjoy it, like an actual Orange it contains sugar and too much can be harmful for them.

Ensure that you give it to them in moderation and as a rare treat, just to avoid the uncomfortable bloating that your Goat may experience as a result of consuming too much sugar.


More in Fruit

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