Can Goats Eat Meat? (Find Out!)

No, goats cannot eat meat. They have no capacity to digest meat, nor will it be appealing to them at all. Further, it is of no nutritional benefit to them, even if they were able to digest it. Meat is in fact very dangerous for goats, and you should never give them meat.


While most of us implicitly recognize goats as herbivores, there’s also the persistent notion that goats can and do eat anything.

They can eat tin cans, tree bark, glue, paper—anything they can get their hands on.

Whether this is true or not, it has had implications for goats’ status as herbivores.

Many wonder if goats can eat meat—so can they?

The notion that goats can eat anything is really more of a persistent myth.

Goats cannot eat anything but in fact have quite a strict diet, especially when it comes to meat vs plant matter.

Their diet should be entirely and exclusively plants.

Let’s look further into this.

Can Goats Eat Meat?


Is meat safe for goats?

No, it is not. I’ll get into the specific dangers of eating meat shortly, but the simple truth is that goats are herbivores, and there is no place in their diet for meat.

They are not omnivores, either, that can eat small amounts of animal matter.

Their diet should be entirely plant matter.

One of the main differences between meat eating mammals and herbivorous mammals is their gut biome.

Most mammals have an extensive gut biome—that is, microbes living in their gut which assist in digesting the food they eat.

Carnivores have gut biomes that are specifically adapted to break down meat.

These biomes are typically far more elaborate and sensitive.

This is the reason that the feces of carnivores, like dogs, poses a danger to us whereas the feces of herbivores doesn’t really.

Carnivore droppings are filled with meat-eating bacteria.

So, no, meat is not safe for goats.

Let’s look at the specific dangers associated with feeding meat to your goats.


Is meat dangerous for goats?

Yes, it is, in many ways.

As I’ve outlined above, goats have little to no ability to break down meat in their gut.

This means that it will sit undigested, causing immense pain as it passes through.

Potentially, it will block up the whole system, and they will become bloated and constipated.

This, though, is the least of your concern.

Your goats will also become full on something which holds no nutritional value for them.

There are no benefits they can get out of eating meat, so when they do so, they won’t be able to get their nutrition elsewhere as they will be full.

Again, though, this is, in context, only a minor concern.

Eating meat will cause them to become sick, potentially causing vomiting and diarrhea.

Any bacteria in the meat, which they are not equipped to handle, could cause a whole variety of infections and illnesses.

It could very easily be fatal, too.

So, the long and short of it is that if your goat eats meat, it could die.

The reasons for this are manifold, and there are many things about eating meat that are uniquely dangerous to your goat.

They will, for the most part, not be inclined to eat meat anyway—but you should still ensure they do not, by whatever means, have access to meat.

Unfortunately, though, this can happen by mistake from time to time—so what should I do if that happens?


What to do if a goat eats meat

As with any medical emergency, your first and most important action should be calling a vet.

Get them out as soon as you can, and make sure the goat is away from the meat without a chance to get any more.

The vet will be able to diagnose any problems and tell the best course of action.

In most cases, it will simply involve letting the meat pass through the goat and monitoring it in the meantime.

Sometimes, painkillers may be given to help with bloat and digestive trouble.


Can goats eat chicken?

No, goats cannot eat chicken.

Chicken is not digestible to them, and though it might be the least tough of meats and they might have a chance of actually tearing some with their teeth, they’re not going to be able to digest it.

Do not let your goats eat chicken of any kind.


Can goats eat beef?

No, goats cannot eat beef, either.

I expect this is no surprise to you at this point.

Beef holds all the same dangers as other kinds of meat, and in fact is probably the worst one.

Cows are large animals, and the meat is typically rather tough.

Don’t let your goats eat beef.


Can goats eat pork?

Finally, I’m sure you will not be surprised to learn that goats cannot eat pork, either.

You will have all the same problems that we’ve discussed above, and your goat could well get very ill from eating pork.


However much you might want to share your favorite meat with your goats, then, it’s never going to be a good idea.

They cannot digest it, and at best it will cause them serious digestive issues, and at worst could be fatal.

They don’t have teeth to chew it up, they don’t have gut biomes to break it down or digest it, and they just don’t have any appetite for it to begin with.


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