Can Goats Eat Green Beans? (Do They Like Them?)

Yes, goats can eat green beans and they represent a fantastic treat in the right quantities. You should only feed them small amounts as a treat, and green beans should never be a replacement for their regular food. In the right amounts, green beans can be highly beneficial to your goats.


So, as with any complex carbohydrate like green beans, goats only need a very small amount before they’ve really extracted all the benefits they can.

If you feed them much more, you stand a chance of doing them harm in a few ways.

In any case, let’s look further into this.

Can Goats Eat Green Beans?

Are green beans good for goats?

Yes, they are, in many ways!

For one thing, your goats will almost certainly love them.

While goats vary a lot more than we might think in personal taste, it is likely most goats will enjoy green beans.

So, they’re great for keeping your goat happy.

Beyond that, they are packed with many nutritional benefits that your goat will appreciate having in their diets.

For one thing, green beans are an excellent source of fiber.

Fiber makes up most of a goat’s diet, really, since it should mostly be eating hay or plant matter.

That said, they will always benefit from a little extra.

They are also a great source of antioxidants in the form of things like vitamin C. antioxidants are essential to the prevention of the formation of free radicals in your goat’s cells.

Free radicals damage cells over time, and can be a problem if you don’t get them enough antioxidants.

So, yes, green beans are very good for goats when fed in the correct quantities.

But this is the important thing you need to keep in mind, so let’s look at the caveats.


Are green beans bad for goats?

Green beans are not inherently bad for goats.

There is nothing dangerous or toxic in them.

They won’t do your goat any immediate harm by eating them.

That said, you shouldn’t just feed your goat green beans with reckless abandon.

You need to keep strict moderation in mind.

A goat’s diet should be around 75% hay or forage.

Outside of that, you should provide a selection and variety of treats in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods.

Within that, then, green beans should make up a still smaller part.

Once or twice a week, at most, in small quantities, is the best way to get your goat green beans.

Swap them out for other treats in the rest of the week.

This will keep the goats from getting bored, as well as provide the greatest range of nutrients.

Is there any way to prepare the beans, then?


Can goats eat raw green beans?

Raw green beans is the best way to get the vegetable into your goat’s diet. you should think of the diet you provide as being the best approximation of the diet they would have in the wild.

Naturally, this means no cooked food—they wouldn’t have that in the wild.

So, yes, raw green beans are totally safe and are the best way to feed your goat green beans.

They won’t lose any nutrients in the cooking process, either.

But are cooked green beans okay?


Can goats eat cooked green beans?

While there’s no specific danger from cooked green beans, and if you have leftover cooked green beans you can certainly share them with your goats, there’s no reason to go out of your way to cook them.

Also, consider whether the green beans were cooked in anything potentially harmful—oils or spices, some of which can harm goats.

So, while cooked green beans are not harmful in any particular way, they are still best avoided.

Just give them raw green beans—they will much prefer the taste and the texture, and will ensure the full range of benefits from it.  


Can goats eat green bean vines?

Yes, they can eat the vines as well.

If you’ve a green bean vine growing on your pasture and you’re wondering whether the goats will get to it, the simple answer is they probably will.

That said, it’s totally safe for them to eat all parts of the plant.

The leaves, the vines, anything—they can and they will eat it, especially if it’s bearing beans.

Keep that in mind, then, since your goats could gorge themselves if given the chance.

Let them eat the vines, but don’t let them go completely crazy.


So, again, as long as you keep strict moderation in mind, you will have absolutely no problem feeding green beans to your goats.

They will love them in terms of flavor and texture, and they will extract a number of great benefits from eating them.

Never forget, though, the overall diet your goats should have, and how to stick to that.

Keep that in mind, and green beans make a great addition to your goat’s diet.


More in Vegetables

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