Is Goat Leather Waterproof? (Find Out!)

Yes, goat leather is naturally water resistant. Goat leather can, like any leather, vary greatly in terms of quality, and the degree of its water resistance will depend on this. In general, though, water resistance is a common feature of goat leather items to a degree.


The simple answer, then, is yes.

Goat leather is waterproof because, after all, it’s really quite essential that an animal’s skin be waterproof.

Goat leather is not as commonly used as other kinds of leather, but it is in many ways just as good as cow’s leather and in other ways even better.

Let’s look further into this.

Is Goat Leather Waterproof?

Is goat leather water-resistant?

Yes, is the simple answer.

Some would insist, however, on using water resistant as opposed to water proof.

This simply means that the leather is not completely immune to the soaking effects of water—but it will do a very good job of keeping it at bay.

In any case, goat leather is inherently and naturally water-resistant.

This is due to the presence of a waxy oil called lanolin.

This is common to many such animals, and is produced by the goat’s skin, and naturally retards water.

Goat leather is definitely water resistant, then, and for the most part waterproof.

The important thing, though, is that you maintain it properly.

Leather of any kind is not like other materials—it needs a pretty strict regime of care in order to maintain its appearance and desirable qualities.

Can it get wet, though?


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Can goatskin leather get wet?

Yes, goatskin leather certainly can get wet.

Water will not simply bounce off it, as though it were hydrophobic.

The point is that it will not be absorbed, soaked in, or allowed to seep through.

Like a synthetic waterproof material, it will keep the water on the outside of the jacket.

That said, it is not completely invulnerable.

If you are in a torrential downpour, there may simply be more water than the jacket can handle and it could seep through.

Of course, this is in about the most extreme conditions, though. Goatskin leather will not get wet in anything less than the most horrendous downpour of rain.

If it does get wet, you should be careful to let it properly dry when you get home.

Maintenance is the most important part of owning goat leather, as I’ve said.

So, what about goatskin gloves?


Are goatskin gloves waterproof?

Yes, they are, just as any other piece of goatskin clothing would be.

Goatskin gloves may be somewhat thinner than other goatskin items of clothing, and so in that sense they may be somewhat less waterproof than other kinds of leather.

For the most part, though, they will be good and waterproof.

Again, we would more accurately use the term water resistant, since they are not completely immune to the effects of water soaking through.

That said, in most typical rainy conditions, goatskin gloves would keep your hands lovely and dry.  


Can you wash goat leather?

You can, although I think every leather enthusiast in the world would advise you not to use a washing machine.

The harsh chemicals of laundry detergent, as well as the spinning, rinsing, and (god forbid) being spun in a tumble dryer would all lead to a breakdown of the material over time.

The best way to wash goat leather is to treat it like any other luxury product.

For the best results, you’re going to want to look into specific products, like oils and waxes, that are used to preserve and maintain leather.

Specifically for washing, though, all you really need to do is wipe the leather garment with a damp cloth.

Even though its water resistant, water applied directly to it will clean the surface and keep it looking nice. Indeed, this is a really important part of leather maintenance.

So, don’t put goat leather in the washing machine.

Don’t use any kind of harsh, chemical detergent on it that could damage it. For basic washing, all you need is a damp cloth.

Once you’ve wiped it fully, its equally important that you let it dry naturally.

With leather, this shouldn’t take too long.

Then your jacket or garment will be clean.


Goat leather is a wonderful material, then, and most importantly it is strongly water resistant.

It will keep you dry and toasty as long as it is well maintained, but this is the real kicker when it comes to leather.

Most of us don’t really appreciate the level of care that has to go into properly maintaining it.

This might put the uninitiated off buying leather, but I’d certainly rather maintain a single jacket that will last me potentially decades, even if it means a bit of maintenance.

As long as you keep this up, your goat leather will be great waterproof clothing.

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