Dream About Goats Swimming (What Does It Mean?)

Dreaming about goats in water can indicate both control and chaos. Calmly swimming along shows a clear path in your life. But splashing, fear, and even drowning goats can suggest impending loss of some kind. It can also mean that you are open minded, or that you’re able to guide large groups.



Open water is an image pregnant with symbolic meaning.

We can have great fear for deep water, and yet at the same time water has capture human imagination for as long as our species has existed.

Most animals have some ability to swim, so what does it mean when we dream of goats swimming?

Dreaming about goats swimming is a rather loose category, and so there are many possible ways to interpret such a dream.

As with any dream interpretation, it’s going to come down to the context and circumstances of your own life.

Let’s find out more.

Dream About Goats Swimming


What does it mean to dream of goats swimming?

Dream About Goats Swimming

It can mean a great many things.

It depends on the nature of the dream itself.

If you dream of goats swimming calmly through calm waters, in control of their direction and not afraid of what is happening to them, then this could indicate that you are newly in control of your own life.

You are satisfied with the direction things are going.

On the other hand, you may witness goats swimming through choppy, unpleasant waters, being swept away or otherwise losing control of where they are going.

In this case, it could be the opposite—that your grip on your life is slipping and being supplanted by chaos.

This can also suggest impending loss.

On a more symbolic level, it could be about your own temperament.

It can indicate a sense of “going with the flow”—that you are open-minded and allow the water to guide you where it will.

At the same time, the water itself could embody you—you are guiding the goats.

Thus, this dream could be about your ability to guide large groups and be a leader.

It’s really all about the context of the dream and the specific content, then.

The meanings and interpretations can be entirely inverse, depending on the specifics.

So, it’s really important that you take all of that into account first.

Let’s look at some specific iterations of this dream.


What does it mean to dream of one goat swimming?

Perhaps the most important detail, besides the calmness of the swim, is how many goats are involved.

If there is just one, this is going to have a pretty different interpretation than of many goats.

A single goat is more likely to be an embodiment of you.

Perhaps you do feel alone, as though you are fighting to get to the other side of something on your own.

If the goat in such a dream is swimming, then, again, is the water smooth or chaotic?

Is the goat in control, or being swept away?

A single goat in control of the swim is quite a strong sign of your own strength of will.

You are guiding yourself through the difficulty and are confident you will emerge on the other side.

However, if the goat is being swallowed up by a strong current, or otherwise being moved around not by its own whims but those of the water, then you may be in trouble.

You may feel overwhelmed, or again like you are losing control.

Particularly, you feel you are losing control without any help from the outside.


What does it mean to dream of a herd of goats swimming?

A herd of goats swimming can have very different implications, however.

At the very least, it can suggest that though you are having problems, you are not alone in experiencing them.

Whether you have direct support from friends and family or a more general sense that you are not the only one going through this.

Again, a herd of goats calmly swimming indicates supreme control over your life.

You and those around you know what you are doing, and you work as a single entity.

Without that control, though, you could feel responsible for what is happening to the herd, as you do with something in your life.

What about drowning, then?


What does it mean to dream of goats drowning?

Obviously, drowning is not really a good sign.

If you dream of goats drowning, it may be again a sense of impending loss.

You may be concerned that something is slipping out of your grasp, and that you are powerless to do anything about it.

To dream of many goats drowning is perhaps the endpoint of a chaotic dream of a herd of goats swimming.

You feel as though you and everything around you are being pulled under the water, and that you are about to lose everything.

It could indicate a more generalized fear and anxiety.

You might be afraid of something that is coming up, and how to deal with it.

The best advice is always to face up to it.


Interpreting dreams is never easy.

It’s even harder when dreams don’t make us feel any particular emotions, but rather seem a complex web to be interpreted.

Goats swimming in your dream are certainly no simple image to interpret, so take what we have said and apply it to your own life and situation.

If any of these possible interpretations seem to make sense to you, you may be on to a winner.

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