Can Goats Eat Bacon? (Is It Safe?)

No, goats should not eat bacon. Even though they do have a reputation for eating everything in sight, at the end of the day goats are herbivores. This means that they should not be eating bacon, and that their diets should be limited to plants and non-animal product foods.


Because goats are herbivores, it’s not just bacon that they shouldn’t eat.

Goats should not have any meat or dairy products added into their diet.

While they likely wouldn’t even touch these items if they were offered, goats’ instincts are not infallible.

It is best not to offer them animal products at all.

Goats will not be able to digest animal products like bacon properly.

If your goat does eat bacon or other meat for some reason, you must watch their health carefully.

If their health or comfort seems to decline, contact a vet right away!

Can Goats Eat Bacon?

Why can’t goats have bacon?

The basic reason is that goats are herbivores.

This means that their digestive system is not suited to handle animal products, and it could make them quite sick.

Goats are ruminant herbivores.

This digestive system, like that of cattle, helps goats to digest the cellulose in plants.

Goats can eat “everything” because they truly can handle a wide variety of plants.

Thanks to their digestive system, they can extract nutrients from lots of plants, including grasses, nuts, legumes, and more.

The goat’s digestive system does not have the structure, or the chemistry needed to handle meat or any foods that contain meat products.

They can’t process these foods, and if they do eat them you should watch your goat carefully and make sure they do not get sick.


Can goats have dairy products?

Much like meat, goats cannot digest dairy products.

Any animal-based product will not be digested by a goat, and therefore should not be offered.

Your goat probably will not actually intake any dairy, but if they don’t realize it is there then there is a small chance that they will eat it without realizing it.


Could I accidentally feed my goat animal products?

Yes, this is unfortunately a possibility.

However, with good management you can avoid this.

A common source of animal products is our own kitchens.

Make sure that if you do decide to feed your goat any kitchen scraps that they contain absolutely no meat or dairy.

This includes cheese and crackers, yogurt, and of course, bacon and bacon grease.

All of these foods could make your goat sick.

Another common source of animal products for goats is in dog and cat food.

If, for example, the dog food and grain are stored close to each other, there is a chance your goat could get into it.

They may not realize that this food is toxic because it is not obviously meat, but it will still cause digestion issues for goats.

The best course of action is to ensure that all meat, egg, and dairy scraps are separated from produce.

Store any pet food that does include meat in a location your goat will never be at risk of accessing.

Even meat or dairy by-products can be harmful, so it is best to avoid it at all costs.


What do I do if my goat did eat some bacon or eggs?

 If a little bit of bacon or other animal-product food residue does make it into your goat’s diet, do not panic.

While we all do our best to avoid giving our goats the wrong food, sometimes their tendency to eat everything makes it hard to control their diet entirely.

If it was a very small amount, then you can watch your goat for signs of toxicity.

These would include decreased energy, diarrhea, staggering, altered breathing, or general signs of distress.

If you see any signs like this contact your vet right away.

If you are worried you can always try giving your goat some natural remedies, like ground ginger and garlic mixed with peanut butter.

Only give these in small amounts because the first rule of thumb is to do no harm.

Don’t feed anything that could add distress to their digestive system.


What about vegan alternatives to popular animal products?

 Nowadays there are often plant-based alternatives to most animal products, including bacon and eggs!

There is not a lot of research on whether these are safe for goats, so proceed with caution when giving these to your animals.

Make sure they truly contain no animal products and only offer in moderation.

The same advice holds for products like milk alternatives.

While they should in theory be okay for goats if they do not contain animal products only offer these with caution.

My advice would be to avoid them in general, simply to stay on the safe side.

With so many natural treat and snack options, there is no need to actively choose to offer them processed vegan food options.

It is also worth noting that many of these meat alternatives are made primarily with soy protein.

While adult goats can handle soy protein to some degree, there is increasing research that it can disrupt hormones and cause other problems.

It is probably best to avoid feeding your goats too much soy protein, even if it’s in the form of vegan table scraps.


My general rule of thumb is to only feed goats plant-based foods and to primarily avoid any animal products, including byproducts in dog and cat food.

Goats will happily get into almost anything, so it is up to us as their owners to make sure they stay happy and healthy!

The best way to do this is by offering plenty of roughage, fresh fruits, and vegetables.


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