Are Goat Ears Good For Dogs? (Answered!)

Yes, goat ears a good for dogs. They are fully digestible, and a bit smaller than pigs ears, making them a great treat for smaller dogs. They are good for your dog’s teeth and gums, as well as being a great source of protein. Your dog will love goats ears if you can get them.


Dogs are able to digest a lot of pretty harsh material, so it’s not much of a surprise that they are able to eat goat’s ears.

They are mostly tissue, with small amounts of bone, so they are a tasty treat for your dog.

Let’s find out more.

Are Goat Ears Good For Dogs?


What are the benefits of goat ears for dogs?

There are many, but firstly, the simple fact that they will love this treat is perhaps the biggest one.

As I said, they will enjoy their bagged treats, but you should always be doing your best to switch up their diet and get them a variety of interesting things to eat.

Goat ears can make a great addition to their menu for this reason.

Beyond that, though, there are many specific health benefits.

A goat’s ear is fully digestible, so your dog can eat the whole thing.

They are also a bit smaller than pig’s ears, making them a bit better for smaller dogs.

They’re great for your dog’s teeth and gums, too, reducing tartare and strengthening enamel.

They can reduce the risk of gum disease and other oral problems.

Goat’s ears are a good, raw source of protein, too.

While formulated dog food ticks all the boxes we need to keep our canines healthy and happy, they are, ultimately, carnivores.

They may have come a long way from their grey wolf ancestors, but that drive to eat raw protein is certainly still within them.

Goat ears have many benefits for your dog, then. So many, in fact, that you do need to give pause when planning to feed them to your dog.

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Are goat ears bad for dogs?

Goat’s ears are not inherently bad for your dog.

They won’t cause them any harm and they can safely eat the whole thing.

The problems, though, arise from overfeeding your dog on goat’s ears.

They are quite nutritious, so depending on the size of your dog, this advice may vary.

Moderation, in any case, is important, and you shouldn’t give your dog goat’s ears too often.

For one thing, they will eventually most likely get bored of the goat’s ears, and not want to eat them anymore.

If your dog is small, then too many goat’s ears could cause weight gain.

It would take quite a lot, granted, but it’s always important to be aware of the exact relationship your dog has to its diet.

It can be very different for each dog.


How many goat ears can a dog have?

Again, it’s going to vary a lot depending on the size of your dog.

For small breeds, one a week is probably plenty.

Any more and they may not have much to do with the excess nutrients.

This will lead to weight gain.  

For the biggest dogs, though, they probably could eat several in a week without much issue.

The only other problem you’ll have, as I mentioned, is they may get bored of it.

This, too, depends a lot on the dog’s temperament.

Some may never get bored of the same treat!

It’s just worth keeping in mind.

The average dog, though, shouldn’t really have more than two a week. this is plenty to get all the benefits without overdoing it.


What ears are best for dogs?

Pig ears are generally the most commonly used ear treat for dogs.

They are easy to get and highly nutritious.

They are, though, a lot bigger than goat’s ears, so a goat ear may be preferable for your dog.

For larger dogs, though, pig ears are most likely better.

Cow ears are also commonly fed to goats, and they have many of the same benefits we’ve already discussed.

You can also get rabbit ears and lamb ears, all with their own benefits.


Where can I get goat’s ears?

You can buy a bulk box of goat ears online and in some pet stores, though they are less likely to be available than pig or cow ears.

Goat is not widely eaten in the US, but if you can find a nearby specialist butcher, they may well have some spare goat’s ears they’d be willing to part with.

Your best bet, though, is likely to be online, as goats just are not widely butchered for meat in the USA.

As long as you don’t overdo it, then, goat ears are a great treat for dogs.

They are healthy, and nutritious, your dog will love them, and they’re a great source of protein.

There are many kinds of ears and other appendages that you can feed to your dog as a treat, and you should be able to find one kind or another at your local butcher.


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