Are Angora Goats Friendly? (Helpful Content!)

Angora goats are a very friendly breed. Exactly how friendly they are will, of course, depend on their upbringing and their early years, but in general they are a very friendly and curious breed. They tend to be very relaxed, docile, and friendly, and will enjoy spending time with humans.


Goats in general are a friendly species on the whole.

Though there are always jerks here and there, on the whole, goats tend to be friendly—the Angora goat is no exception.

They will make great companions and will bring a smile to your face every day.

Let’s find out more.

Are Angora Goats Friendly?


What is the temperament of an Angora goat?

It’s worth starting out by saying that the temperament of any individual goat can vary a lot depending on many things.

For one thing, goats are just highly individual creatures, and each one has a unique personality—to a certain degree.

While, for the most part, all of those personalities are going to be roughly similar, outliers are far from uncommon.

They can have a lot of personality.

The other thing that can affect exactly the individual friendliness of an Angora goat is how it was raised.

Goats need to be hand-reared, to some degree, from an early age in order to maximize their docility and friendliness.

Angoras are certainly, by their nature, pretty docile, but if they were not raised around humans very much, then they may turn out less keen on humans.

With all that said, assuming that everything has been done right and you don’t happen to have an innately jerky Angora goat, it will be a friendly, inquisitive, relaxed and docile companion that will get on really well with just about anyone.

Their early upbringing will have permanent effects on their personality, but you’ve also got to keep up with their needs throughout their life in order to keep them happy and friendly.

Make sure they have enough goat friends of their own—you should always have at least three goats as they need the company of their own species.

Equally, make sure they all have enough space, enough food and variety, and your Angora goats will remain a friendly bunch throughout their lives.

So, while I have tried to stress that Angora goats are friendly by nature, you’ve always got to carefully consider their needs—so how much space does an Angora goat need?


How much room do Angora goats need?

To put it simply, the more space Angora goats have the better.

Goats are roaming animals, and in the wild they like to spread themselves over a wide area and you should always be looking to provide the best replica of their wild lifestyle that you can.

Ideally, your goats will have a wide pasture full of a variety of plants and edible things which they can forage for.

This will keep them very happy and entertained day to day.

There are certainly some numbers we can put to this question, though.

For every goat you have—and you should always have at least three—you will want around a quarter acre of land.

So for a typical herd of three to four goats, you would want around an acre of land for them to roam.

They can share this with one or two animals like sheep and horses, but again just be very careful that they aren’t overcrowded.

The other thing they will need is somewhere they can go at night.

Each individual goat should ideally have its own space to sleep in away from the others, comprising around 16 square feet at least per goat.

All of this is going to determine how friendly your Angora goat is.

So, the space requirements are far from small for these goats.

That’s a big point to consider if you want to get these goats as companions.

Why else are these goats mainly kept?


Why are Angora goats mainly kept?

To look at an Angora goat it’s probably quite easy to tell that they are prized for their luxurious fiber.

They are the only source of the mohair fiber which is used in high quality clothing and other things in many parts of the world.

This is the number one reason that Angora goats are kept, as this mohair can be a highly profitable business.

They are neither great milking goats nor do they produce a high quality or high quantity meat yield.

They are not only mainly kept for their fiber, but more or less exclusively.


How long do Angora goats live for?

Naturally, it can vary to a certain extent.

On average, though, Angora goats live around 10 years, or between 8 and 12 years.

It’s very rare for them to live more than 12 years.

However, it will still take exceptionally good care to see them outlive ten years old.

Goats in general tend to live for between five and ten years, depending on the breed.

Expect your companion to be around for up to ten years.


Angora goats are, for a number of reasons, considered by some to be one of the most desirable breeds out there.

They are certainly very friendly, and make great home and family companions for this very reason.

While there are certainly many breeds out there that are at least as friendly as Angora goats, if a fluffy, sheep-like goat is something you would be happy with, then the Angora makes a great choice for you.


More in Angora


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