Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages on the planet and there are many different types and variations available.
I, like many people, enjoy a nice cold beer after a long day’s work to unwind and relax with my friends and family.
Is it only humans that can enjoy a beer? What about goats?
Is it safe for goats to drink beer and would they even like it?
Beer is actually beneficial to goats and is perfectly safe for them to drink.
It should not, however, be a replacement for a consistent supply of fresh, clean drinking water.
Is beer harmful to goats? What is the nutritional value of beer for goats, and what type of beer is ok to let your goats drink?
We are going to explore all of these questions and more in this article as we dive deeper into the topic of can goats drink beer.
Let’s get into it!
Is beer safe for goats to drink?
Yes, it is perfectly safe for goats to drink beer.
Beer is simply an alcoholic drink that is made by fermenting and brewing cereal grains with yeast, hops, and other various types of flavoring agents (most beers contain about 4-6% alcohol).
Grains are a staple food in a goat’s diet, making up around 20% of its diet.
It is also safe for goats to consume yeast and the other constituent ingredients found in beer.
Goats need to have a consistent supply of fresh, clean water to live properly so it is, therefore, important that you provide this to them and not replace this with beer.
While they shouldn’t be allowed to drink beer too frequently, it does have many benefits for goats and isn’t harmful to them in any way.
What type of beer can goats drink?
When it comes to goats, the darker the beer the better.
Beers such as Guinness contain roasted malt which is what gives it its dark color.
It is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to the health and well-being of your goat.
What nutritional value does beer have for goats?
Beer is one of the most popular drinks in the world and is consumed by a lot of people.
It is not normally consumed for its health benefits, however, but beer actually contains various vitamins and minerals that can have positive effects for your goat.
Beer contains vitamin B12, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 be very valuable to your goat’s health because it helps to keep the body’s blood and nerve cells healthy.
It also helps to prevent your goat from becoming tired and weak due to anemia.
It is, therefore, a beneficial vitamin for your goat’s health.
Phosphorus is an essential mineral, and it is extremely important to consume foods that contain it.
When it comes to your goats, phosphorus is important for the filtering of waste and the repairing of cells and tissue.
It is important for the health and strength of your goat’s bones and works to improve energy levels.
Iron is an essential mineral that is very important for the transport of oxygen in red blood cells.
Consuming enough iron will help with fatigue and is very important for the functioning of your goat’s immune system and overall immune health.
Copper is a vital mineral for the body and is involved in various processes within it.
It is involved in energy production and metabolism, as well as the formation of connective tissues and blood cells.
Consuming copper can be very beneficial for your goat and should be included in their diet.
Zinc is a very important nutrient that is involved in numerous processes throughout the body and is found naturally in various plants and animal foods.
Zinc helps boost your immune function, helps with the healing of wounds, and is important for both the growth and development of your body.
Zinc is, therefore, an essential mineral to include in your goat’s diet.
Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is found in the sea, plants, and the earth.
It is involved in hundreds of reactions in the body and works to improve your goats’ energy levels, increase their muscle movement, and lower their blood pressure.
Magnesium, therefore, is an essential mineral for the health of your goat.
Benefits of beer for goats
Improves appetite
If your goat has lost its appetite or is refusing to eat and is avoiding even treats, then a good remedy is to give them a beer!
This will have them eating in no time and can also help if your goat is a picky eater.
Additionally, if your goat is bloated, beer is an excellent way to help them release gas and can get their bowels moving.

Helps ailing goats and restores energy after physical exertion
If your goat is feeling tired or under the weather, then a beer is an excellent option to help perk them up and get back on their feet.
Beer helps them to feel better and works to restore their energy and enthusiasm.
This is due to the yeast found in beer which is a common ingredient of many probiotics and beer contains many beneficial bacteria that acts as anti-inflammatory antioxidants and digestive aids.
How to give beer to your goats
When giving beer to goats it is important to not try give your goat beer straight from the bottle or can.
Instead, you can utilise a specialised rubber nipple which is typically used on calf feeding buckets.
Simply attach it to the end of a beer bottle and cut a hole into the top of it to allow the beer to flow freely.
Alternatively, you can pour the beer into a bucket or a bowl and let your goats drink directly from there.
Either method is fine.
The most important thing is that you moderate the amount of beer that you are giving to your goats.
It is usually the norm to give them a whole bottle 1-2 times a day until they are feeling better/have recovered.
Any more than this isn’t recommended.
Too much of a good thing can have negative consequences!
If you are giving beer to your goat as treat and not because they aren’t feeling well, then be mindful of the quantity and frequency with which you give it to them.
As mentioned above, goats need to have a consistent supply of fresh, clean drinking water and beer shouldn’t be a substitute for this.
Can goats drink cold beer?
When giving goats beer, it is best to give it to them at room temperature as this will make it easier for them to consume and will help them digest it more easily.
It is also recommended to give them flat beer over fresh beer as fresh beer foams a lot more than flat beer which can make it difficult for the goat to consume.
Can goats get drunk?
It is very possible for various types of animals and livestock to get drunk.
If an animal consumes too much alcohol and their active blood alcohol levels rise above a certain point, they will become drunk.
This is even more true for smaller animals, such as squirrels, which have smaller livers and, as a result, cannot handle as much alcohol.
When it comes to goats, it is definitely possible for them to get drunk, but they will have to drink a lot of alcohol at once which isn’t safe for them.
Most goats can handle at least two beers per day (one in the morning and another in the evening) but it is not recommended to exceed this amount.
Can Nigerian Dwarf goats drink beer?
Yes, Nigerian Dwarf goats are able to drink beer.
All goats are able to drink beer as it is perfectly safe and isn’t harmful to goats.
This includes Pygmy goats, Boer goats, mountain goats, etc.
As stated earlier, the darker the beer the better when it comes to giving beer to your goats for medicinal purposes so you should prioritize these types of beer if they are available where you live.
There are many different types of beer with different flavors and variations which makes it an excellent treat for your goat as you can mix and match and can switch up the flavors to keep it interesting.
Not every goat will like the same thing, however, so experiment with different beers to see which one your goat likes best.
In conclusion, yes, goats can drink beer.
Beer has many benefits for goats and is perfectly safe for them, and other livestock, to drink.
Goats need to have a regular supply of water, however, and beer should never be a replacement for this.
The darker the beer the better when it comes to goats, especially for medicinal purposes.
Experiment with different variations and flavors and find the one your goat likes the most!
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